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Пародии на разные песни

, Помогите найти
Дата 11.07.2006 - 20:53

Помогите найти самые прикольные пародии на русские хиты
Дата 12.07.2006 - 00:17

Тут можна послухати як Жиріновський Емінема пародірує smile.gif

Хоть і не сто процентов по тємі...
Дата 12.07.2006 - 00:30

были где то, завтра выложу
Дата 12.07.2006 - 13:22

Вот держы у меня нашлась парочка песенок !!!!

Ночьной Дозор
пародия на "Теперь ты в Армии"
Дата 12.07.2006 - 17:35

Дата 12.07.2006 - 18:21

Пасиба вам, классные песни. Karpyl, а что с Ночным дозором? Кликаю, а он пишет,что сейчас песня недоступна - попробуйте позже.
Дата 12.07.2006 - 19:33

Только что проверил !!
у меня все работает !!!!
Дата 12.02.2007 - 03:58

Кто знает где взять песенки групы "Сахарный ключ", такая прикольная група.
Может кто чето качал, подскажите.
  Дата 23.11.2007 - 20:29

можно "Ночной дозор" (это случайно не "Мясной дозор"? там слов типа "жил был на свете антон городецкий,кушал он много, совсем не по детскм" нет?) на шару?
и есть ли пародия на Эминэма "Comin' Out My Closet (parody)" если да, то можно на шару тож
вот слова
Where's my penis?
I have no penis in my butt hole - there you go
Yeah.. yo, yo

Have you ever been hated or discriminated against?
I have; I've been penetrated and ejaculated against
Rammin' shafts up my faggot ass, look at my brass
Ever since class I've been suckin' off my teachers to pass
All this cum motion unloadin' run deep as ocean's explodin'
Nut keeps splashin' from faggots just suck 'em off and keep goin'
Nut-takin' bummer I'm known as to every one in my region
Keep stickin' ass in the mornin' and takin' cocks in the evenin'
Leaves me with a taste as sour as seminal in my mouth
See they can bugger me, but y'all never figured me out
Look at me now; you know I got a dick in me now.
Blame my momma?
She was the fattest slut in the house!

I'm sorry momma!
I never meant to hurt you!
I never meant to make you cry; but tonight
I'm comin' out my closet (one more time)
I said I'm sorry momma!
I never meant to hurt you!
I never meant to make you cry; but tonight
I'm comin' out my closet

Ha! I got some vibrators in my closet
and I don't know if no one knows it
So before they throw me inside my coffin and close it
I'ma expose it; I'll take you back to '83
before I ever had to worry about the HIV
I was a baby, maybe I was just a couple of months
My faggot father used to put his willy up in my bum
cause he split, my anal cherry then he came in my eye
And lookin' back on it all now I fuckin' wish I could die
I look at gays, see, and try to picture their bare behinds
Even if I hated men , I'd grit my teeth and I'd try
to make it work with 'em, at least for papa's sake
He maybe made some mistakes
but he's the only gay who taught me everything that I know today
What he did was stupid, no doubt it was dumb
But the smartest shit he did was put a condom on his king dong
'Cuz he'da killed me; shit he woulda shot cum in my throat
It's my life, I'd like to welcome y'all to "The Batty Boy Show"

Repeat Chorus

Now I would never diss my own momma just to get recognition
Take a second to listen for who you think this record is dissin'
But put yourself in my position; just try to envision
witnessin' your momma gobblin' Mormon missionaries in the kitchen
Bitchin' that someone's always pullin' down her drawers and clit's itchin'
Goin' through public whorehouse systems, victim of crack-controlled pimpin'
My whole life I was made to believe I was straight when I wasn't
'til I grew up, now I do what you did, I'm sick to my stomach
guzzlin' it
Wasn't it the reason you gave that VD to me MA?
So you can try but can't deny the way you treated me MA?
But guess what? You're gettin' Alzheimer's now, brain dead and alone too
And your care home security's gettin' lax, you're gonna know
when I bone you
My asshole's gettin' so big now; you should see it, it's beautiful
But you'll never see it – 'til I shit on you at your funeral!
See what hurts me the most is when I take cocks that are long
Rips through my thong - keep tellin' myself its all cuz'a mom!
But how dare you try to take what you didn't help me to get
You selfish bitch; I fought fuckin' long and hard for these dicks
Remember when Elton came out gay and you said you're glad it's not me?
Well guess what, I +AM+ gay - gay as a faggot can be!

Repeat Chorus (2x) till end
Дата 24.11.2007 - 19:09

Сонька , обнови пожалуйста ссылки свои. плиз.. или если ктото качал те песни залейте на шару пожалуйста.
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